In connection with the “Selection by Public Invitation” procedure to designate a contractor for the implementation of a Contract for grant BG16RFOP002-3.002-0136-C01, under the project: “Increasing Energy Efficiency in Natalia AD”, which is implemented with the financial support of the Operational Program “Innovation and Competitiveness 2014-2020” we apply the following documents to participate in the procedure:
Download all attachments: finalnidokumenti
Tenders will be submitted from 25.10.2018 to 01.11.2018 and will be open on 02.11.2018.
1.Publichna_pokana_PMS 160_final
3.Primerna_metodika_za_ocenka_PMS 160_Natalia
4.Oferta_PMS 160_final
5.Declaracia_ZUSESIF_PMS 160_final
7. ProektoDogovor OP1
7. ProektoDogovor OP2
7. ProektoDogovor OP3
7. ProektoDogovor OP4
7.Iziskvania_oferti_PMS 160_final
9 Obrazec 1_Spravka_specifichen_oborot
10 Obrazec 2_Spisak_dostavki
Prilojenie_II_Obshti uslovia