and protection of nature and its resources

The UN Sustainable Development Goals are the main guideline in determining the sustainability goals of "Natalia" AD.
"Natalia" AD fulfills the requirements of STEP according to the OEKO-TEX® STANDARD in terms of:
Standards implemented:
ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management Standard
ISO 14001 - Environmental Management Standard with main guidelines: waste reduction, efficient use, monitoring and analysis of consumed resources, compliance with regulatory requirements and continuous improvement of the environmental management system.
ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
ISO 50001 - International Energy Management Standard, providing the most robust framework for optimizing energy efficiency
"Natalia" AD has built and put into operation its own photovoltaic system on the roof of the production building.
100% of "Natalia" AD's production is manufactured in its own production facilities in the cities of Stara Zagora and Momchilgrad.
Raw materials and all materials used in production are supplied by partners working in accordance with the Codes of Ethics and whose production meets the environmental standards and requirements of Oeko tex 100, REACH, GOTS, STEP by Oeko tex 100, Global Recycling Standard (GRS), Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), Zero Waste, Cradle to Cradle. The packaging of the products uses fully recyclable or recycled materials.
The supply chains are as short as possible and fully traceable. The goal is to minimize CO2 emissions.
Monitoring, control and analysis are carried out for all resources and materials used.
In one year, as a result of comprehensive environmental management, Natalia AD has saved 252,369 tons of emissions, which is equivalent to 87 planted trees.

In 2023, a photovoltaic system was built and put into operation on the roof of the production building
A system for monitoring the efficient use of energy resources was introduced in the "Dyeing" workshop
A water heat exchanger is operating in the "Dyeing" workshop, built to reduce the amount of water and energy used and optimize the dyeing process
Waste classification by workshops was introduced
Separate collection and safe storage of waste is managed
Contracts have been concluded with licensed companies for the removal of waste and secondary raw materials
A procedure for identifying microplastics has been introduced - acrylic yarns are not used in production, yarns and sewing threads with cones made of paper or recycled plastics are supplied;
All necessary data on the consumption of energy resources are collected and analyzed
As a result of the comprehensive environmental management, Natalia AD has saved 252,369 tons of emissions from the use of alternative energy resources, which is equivalent to 87 planted trees.